🎉 Material UI v4 is out now! Check out the announcement blog post →


Easily make an element as wide or as tall (relative to its parent) with our width and height utilities.

Supported values

The sizing style functions support different property input type:

<Box width={1/4}> // Numbers in [0,1] are multiplied by 100 and converted to % values.
<Box width={300}> // Numbers are converted to pixel values.
<Box width="75%"> // String values are used as raw CSS.
<Box width={1}>   // 100%
Width 1/4
Width 300
Width 75%
Width 1


<Box width="25%">…
<Box width="50%">…
<Box width="75%">…
<Box width="100%">…
<Box width="auto">…
Width 25%
Width 50%
Width 75%
Width 100%
Width auto


<Box height="25%">…
<Box height="50%">…
<Box height="75%">…
<Box height="100%">…
Height 25%
Height 50%
Height 75%
Height 100%


import { sizing } from '@material-ui/system';
Import name Prop CSS property Theme key
width width width none
maxWidth maxWidth max-width none
minWidth minWidth min-width none
height height height none
maxHeight maxHeight max-height none
minHeight minHeight min-height none