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Page Layout Examples

Page layout examples

A selection of basic page layouts to help you get started building your app.

They can be combined with one of the example applications to form a complete starter.

Sections of each layout are clearly defined either by comments or use of separate files, making it simple to extract parts of a page (such as a "hero unit", or footer, for example) for reuse in other pages.

For multi-part examples, a table in the README at the linked source code location describes the purpose of each file.


A minimal dashboard with taskbar and mini variant draw. The chart is courtesy of Recharts, but it is simple to substitute an alternative.


A simple sign-in page.


A sophisticated blog page layout. Markdown support is courtesy of markdown-to-jsx, but is easily replaced.


A step-by-step checkout page layout. Adapt the number of steps to suit your needs, or make steps optional.


A responsive album / gallery page layout with a hero unit and footer.


Quickly build an effective pricing table for your potential customers with this page layout.

If while using these examples you make changes or enhancements that could improve the developer experience, or you would like to contribute an additional example, please consider creating a pull-request on GitHub.

So far we have demos for:

  • A dashboard
  • A sign-in page
  • A blog page
  • A checkout flow
  • An album page
  • A pricing page